Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Discovery Streaming Pt.2

 Discovery Education has been available to me as a teacher for at least three years now, but I only really starting using it this year.  Some of the eGuides that are available use 5-15 minute clips from Discovery Education.  I have used Discovery Education to go over...
                Wonders of the World
                Even and Odd Numbers
                Goods and Services
                and more

  I have used Discovery Education mainly as a collection of videos to draw from when necessary.  I recently read a classmate's blog post about how one could use DE with students.  I tried to create a class, but got stuck on the part where I was supposed to add students.  Here is a screen shot of my progress.

When I can get past this obstacle I am going to set up a third grade class and have them do a research project using video sources, among other sources too.  A big part of the lesson will be citing sources, websites and video.  NoodleBib,  here I come.  I can also use it to give assessments if we focus on a particular content area.

Lastly, I would like to add to my reasoning as to why I think DE is a web 2.0 tool.  Through much of my searching of blogs, wikis, and more I have come to notice the "feel" of these tools.  You typically log in, permit access to others, prepare lessons/content for students, and give assessments/surveys.  That is what Discovery Education is able to do, so I consider it web 2.0.

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